hey ms. lee llc

Time to toot my own horn. Toot toot. 📯

What people said about what it's REALLY like to work with me.

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Video testimonials

Ciara Skiles
Senior director at uptima

Dr. Christin Chong
Founder of Chong Consulting LLC

Dr. Catrina Mitchum
Founder of Catrina Mitchum Learning Designs

my turn to talk about myself 😬

Who is Susan Lee?

I like to do things differently, even if it means I won't be "as successful."I get bored easily. I switched my career several times. I became so good at pivoting that I turned it into a business.💡 Biggest ah-ha: the career shift isn't the hard part, it's the identity shift and the nuances that come with it.I'm weirdly good at remembering the seemingly trivial details. Great for my clients because I can piece together the puzzle they can't see for themselves. Terrible for my anxiety when these details keep me up at night.I'm a teacher by trade but after I peaked too early in my career (yep, another millennial who burned out), I left it all behind to lead with my gut rather than a pre-defined checklist. I'm an oxymoron in that way; perfectionist and planner by heart, but also a calculated risk-taker.Over the last ten years, my gut has taken me all over the world (over 40 countries). I nourished my inner creative and I grew my wealth despite the international moves, disruptions in my career, and global pandemic.I've never been good at sticking to one thing; I want to try it all. And instead of forcing myself to pick one thing and pick one label, I committed to the practice of good enough and trusting myself.I'm the healthiest (and most dangerous) I've ever been in my life.My mission is to help more women build the ideal lifestyle that makes them feel whole. And it starts with putting themselves first.Because when women take care of themselves, communities thrive. Period.I know that I'm fulfilling this mission when my clients don't panic when shit goes sideways, when they stop questioning how to find balance, and they aren't white-knuckling their way through stressful periods.Because they found peace and power in just being. They trust themselves and the systems we put in place to protect them and the ones they love.That's the gift of good enough.
That's our version of success.

susan lee
founder of hey ms. lee llc

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